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Group companies

Venerable Capital group’s commercialisation takes place through the commercial teams of the companies UNIVERSAL TOBACCO COMPANY and NEW & NEXT. Sales teams specialized in the tobacco retailer channel with a wide experience in the tobacco, tobacco accessories, drinks and gifts sectors.


Thanks to its extensive experience in the tobacco retailer channel, large international companies trust in its commercial teams to introduce their products in the Spanish market.


During their activity, UNIVERSAL TOBACCO COMPANY and NEW & NEXT have positioned some cigarette brands in the Top 10 of the ranking, in the Top 5 of roll your own and pipe tobacco, as well as leading the Slims cigarettes market segment.


In 2015, there is a change in the legislation that allows to commercialise other category of products, drinks and gifts in the tobacco retailer channel. After this legislative change, the sales teams adapted to the demand of convenience categories in the tobacco retailers, incorporating new products to their portfolio and advising their clients with the aim of offering new business opportunities with drinks, tobacco accessories and gifts products.