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Types of wine and which class do you have to use

types of wine

Types of wine and which class do you have to use

From Venerable Capital society of commercialization and distribution of alcohol and tobacco, we have a wide range of spanish wine types, some of them with international awards. All of this is so good, but there are people who don’t know which class of wine they have exactly to use in that case. We are going to tell you which one is the best for each kind of wine.

wine cup

Class to use in each type of wine

Mature wine

On the one hand, we find the first type of wine, mature wines, this wine is differenciated in its mature taste and its soft smell. The perfect cup for that wine is the Borgoña cup, whose structure is bigger than other classes. Also, it has a wider side than others. Mature wines can breath, and this will give the costumers a better sensation in their experience.

types of mature wines


Young wine

Secondly, for young red wines, we recommend to use the Burdeos class, whose calyx is more thin and its top is closer. This allow us intensify wine taste even more than other types of wine. Young wine is known for its intense taste and Burdeos class will conserve this concentration in the young wine.

types of young wine


Types of wine tempered and fruity

Finally, Sauvignon cups are smaller in volume, will be perfect for light structure wines. They require a cold temperature, and this wines are served in a small quantity. By the other side, Chadornnay cups are fine in structure, and they are one of the smallest cups in the world. This is the case, for example, of the types of wine tempered and fruity.

types of wine tempered and fruity

From Venerable Capital society of commercialization and distribution of alcohol and tobacco, we hope you have enjoyed this post. In that case, don’t forget if you ave any question, to contact us in our web.