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Group companies


COMET is a family company with a long track-record in the tobacco sector. It was founded in 1881 and the experience in the tobacco sector has been passed down from generation to generation until today.


As a tobacco distributor, COMET starts its wholesale activities in Spain in 1999. In only three years since then, in 2002, it becomes the second distributor by number of brands managed and number of sale points attended.


COMET’s headquarters is located in Madrid, from which it operates the integration of all the distribution, financial, commercial and marketing services.


Clients and partners from all over the world trust in COMET for its commitment to always offer a professional and demand-driven service, and a deep knowledge of the market and its needs that enables the development of its portfolio of services in a very competitive way.

COMET’s services for its clients:

  • Personalised attention.
  • Free call centre during 12 hours.
  • Greater flexibility in the management of the orders.