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Hacienda Casarejo Moscato

Origin | Valdepeñas, Cuidad Real, Spain.

Bottle Size | 750 ml

  • product details

    Type Sparkling
    Grape Variety 100 % Moscatel
    Production/ Aging Controlled fermentation of 7-14 days in stainless steel tanks at a stable temperature between 20-26ºC.
    Alcoholic Content 7,5%vol
    Total Acidity ≥ 4,5 – 7 g/l
    Volatile acidity 0,15 – 0.50 g/l
    SO2 Total ≤180 mg/l
    Residual Sugar ≤ 80 g/l
    Sorbic acid 160-175 mg/l
    Pressure Carbonic Min 3 bar




    Colour pale greenish yellow colour, clean and bright. Persistent over time.
    Nose Natural aromas of fresh grapes, intense, fine and elegant with hints of dried fruit.
    Palate Balanced on the palate.

Units x Case

Cases x Container 20'' Feet