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Wine tasting, steps to take wine

Degustación de vino - catar vino

Wine tasting, steps to take wine

Good to all! There are thousands of wines of different shapes, colors and therefore, there are many flavors. Wine tasting allows you to discover these new flavors. Discover those unique attributes of a wine and what makes it different from others. The steps to taste wine are not easy, but they usually follow a basic procedure.

Today, from Venerable Capital, a company dedicated to the commercialization and distribution of alcohol and tobacco, we will teach you how to go from drinking wine to start enjoying it.

Wine tasting

Tasting a Wine

To taste a wine, one should understand that tasting wine is not just about drinking it. It is about conducting an examination of the smell and flavors to determine the quality and unique attributes of a wine.

Tasting essentially means savoring the wine to discover its sensory characteristics. This is not a scientific test, but rather a sensory experience to better understand wines and their story. One does not have to be an expert to appreciate the qualities of a good wine, just follow a few guidelines and want to know more about what this drink contains.

Steps for Wine Tasting

There are three basic stages when tasting a wine; a visual phase, an olfactory phase and a gustatory phase.

Visual Phase

It is important to observe the wine before tasting it. This will help you understand its color, texture and transparency. These characteristics will tell you the age and degree of ripeness of the wine.

For red wines; the brighter and ruby the wine, will be younger, and the more orange, will be older. The amount of alcohol can be measured by the density of the wine. This can be checked according to the movement of the wine, if it is slower it will have a higher level of alcohol.

Olfactory Phase

Once you have observed the wine, it is time to smell it. Add a bit of air to the wine to release the aromas. This will allow you to discover the fruit, flower, spice, vanilla, wood, tobacco, etc.

Gustatory Phase

This is the most important stage to discover the flavors of the wine. Take a small sip and keep it in your mouth for a few seconds to release the flavors of the wine. This will allow you to know the primary and secondary flavors of the wine, such as balance, acidity and bitterness. This will help you better understand the quality and unique attributes of a wine.

Wine tasting

Red or white wine tasting

The main difference between a red wine and a white wine is the color. Red wine is usually darker and more intense in aromas and flavors. White wine is lighter and usually has more delicate aromas. In addition, red wines tend to have a higher acidity and have a more complex structure.

They should be taken at different temperatures according to their maturity or type: 14 to 16° C for young reds, 16 to 20° C for dense reds and 9 to 12° C for white wines.

Where to find the best wines for a wine tasting?

At Venerable Capital, a company for the marketing and distribution of alcohol and tobacco, you can find a wide variety of wines from different regions and varieties. We offer high quality wines at affordable prices, allowing you to taste the best wines without spending too much. Visit us and discover our selection of wines!