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Drinks to succeed at events

tipos de vino tinto

Drinks to succeed at events

Today, in our informative blog of Venerable Capital, we are going to talk about drinks to succeed at events. Which are the best kind of drinks to offer to your customers.

drinks events

To succeed in social events, which are the places where more relationship we create, both family and friendship and even business, having a suitable beverage service for these is very important. So we are going to recommend drinks to succeed at events.

The environment, the food or what interests us most, the drink, is a perfect conversation piece to break the ice and to start a solid conversation.

Drinks to succeed at weddings and communions

Of the most important events that we find are weddings and communions since they are celebrations with many guest. The objective of the catering is to provide the greatest enjoyment of these through food and drink.

Having a good import of wine in your winery, white or red, will make your catering one of the most important and sought-after. Our recommendations are:

Drinks to succeed at festivals

For festivals, although we find massive parties, the drinks would be simpler than what was previously commented. For these events you cannot miss our Santa Isabel Beer. As well as having a good range of different drinks, our recommendation is Sachet Shaka. By clicking here we will tell you what Sachet is and why it is perfect for these events.

drinks beersachet drinks

Drinks to birthdays and anniversaries

These celebrations are more informal but there are many people who like to celebrate it in a big way. Or with something more intimate but in an elegant dinner, therefore we recommend a white wine. It is a refreshing drink, for these more informal events the Hacienda Casarejo White is ideal.

Just like our Santa soft drinks to include people who don’t drink alcohol, Santa Cocacola is a staple. and for the more daring people, Bikila Bitters and our delicious whiskey cream, Golden Tears.

eventosdrinksexportación e importación de licoresbikila bitters

From Venerable Capital we hope that this article has been of interest to you, a party with a good drink is essential, so for any questions do not hesitate to contact us. We are here for you!